Belgium Government Scholarship 2021 Fully Funded

Scholarships are open the Government of Belgium invites international students to study master’s degree in Belgium. 150 scholarships under the master’s program and 70 scholarships for short courses.

Details About Belgium Government Scholarships:

There is no application fee required. The Belgian Government Scholarship is available for 1-year master’s programs and 4 to 6 months of practical training development.

  • Country: Belgium
  • Course Level: Master Degree & Training Course
  • Duration: 1 Year For MS, 4 to 6 Months for Training
  • Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
  • Deadline: 15 January 2021 and 5th February 2021

Belgium Scholarship Information:

Are You a National of a Developing country? If You Don’t know CLICK HERE

Financial Support:

This is a Fully Funded Scholarships for international students to Study Free in Belgium.

International travel costs Receipts must be provided

Travel in economy class on an IATA-approved airline, with a maximum of one return ticket in an academic year.

Living stipend Flat rate 1150 €/month for a duration of 1 year.
Indirect mission fees Flat rate 150 €.This amount is paid after each guarantee, after each stay.
  1. Arrival allowance,
  2. tuition,
  3. return fees
Flat rate 700 €.
Registration fees   At the current rate for DGD grantees.
Insurance fees   Directly paid by ARES.
Travel expenses are part of the inter-university training Vouchers must be given Refundedbased on real costs provoked, with receipts provided.

Available Fields:

Kindly Check the following fields they are offering:

  • Master of specialization in development, environment, and societies
  • Master of specialization in human rights
  • Master of specialization in
    • water resources management and aquaculture
  • Master of specialization
    • in risk and disaster management
  • Master of specialization in
    • combined management of health risks in developing countries (GIRISS)
  • Specialized Master in International and Development Economics
  • Master of Specialization in Transfusion Medicine
  • Specialized Master in Microfinance
  • Master of specialization in combined production of natural resources
  • Specialized Master in Public Health Methodology
  • Master of Specialization in Public Health Sciences
    • – Research Methods Applied to Global Health
  • Master’s degree in Science and Environmental Management
  • Master of specialization in transport and logistics.

Eligibility Criteria for International Students:

  • For a degree program under 40 and under 45 at the time of training.
  • To apply in a related field, you must have a relevant educational background.
  • The Duration is One Academic Year
  • Passive knowledge of English (reading) is required.


  • 15 January 2021
  • 5th February 2021.

How to Apply:

The Application Form is Totally Free. ARES does not charge fees. To Apply, Please Visit the Official website.

Official Website