Free Online Chinese Course by Peking University | Fully Funded

As usual, Scholarshipdoor is pleased to provide another brilliant opportunity to learn the Chinese language for international students and people.
Free online Chinese course is open on Coursera, offered by Peking University. The course is totally free of charge and online. This course beginners level course about the Chinese language, communication, grammar, and speaking. Xiaoyu Liu taught this course he is an associate professor at Peking University.

Chinese course for beginners is free for everyone who wants to learn the Chinese language. As we all know that China is going to be a Business Hub And its trade is increasing day by day worldwide, the Chinese language is getting more important. The world will be shaped by Chinese people in near future, so the time now is perfect to learn and become a Master of the Chinese language for better communication.

Table of Contents:

  1. Brief Description of “Chinese for Beginners” Course
  2. About Peking University China
  3. About the Course
  4. Eligibility Criteria
  5. Benefits of free online by Peking University
  6. Some other details
  7. Deadline
  8. How to apply

Brief Description of “Chinese for Beginners” Course:

  • Course Title: Chinese for beginners
  • Organization: Peking University
  • Host Country: China
  • Host University: Peking University
  • Course length: 21 hours
  • Fee: Free of cost
  • Specificity: International
  • Application mode: Online
  • Nationality: Any
  • Deadline: December 31, 2021.

About Peking University China:

Peking University is a Chinese research institute located in Beijing. It is one of the C9 League of Chinese universities. Peking University was founded by Guangxu Emperor in 1898.

About the Course

The course is divided into seven weeks. The course contents are given below;
1. Who Are You?
2. When Do You Go To School?
3. What Do You Like To Eat?
4. I Like Shopping!
5. Do You Live in a Big City?
6. How About the Weather?
7. What is Your Hobby?

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria for “Chinese for beginners” is given below;
  • International people can join and learn this course
  • This course is basic level so there are not many prerequisites for further use of the course
  • No age restriction
  • Internet with better connectivity to learn this course.

Benefits of free online by Peking University

The advantages of the free online course are given below;
  • No registration fee
  • No age restriction
  • Free of cost course access
  • Available for all the international people
  • Learning opportunity of Chinese language,

Some other details

  • The course is taught online.
  • Xiaoyu Liu teaches this course. He is an associate professor of Peking University China.
  • The course takes approx. twenty-one hours to complete.
  • The course will be taught in the English language with subtitles of:
    • Greek, French, Arabic, Siberian,
    • Ukrainian, Brazilian, Italian,
    • European, Vietnamese, Portuguese,
    • Russian, German, Thai, Urdu,
    • English, Polish, Marathi, Spanish.


31 December 2021 is the last date For this Free online course by Peking University. So anyone interested in learning Chinese can register to take advantage of this opportunity.

How to apply

Interested candidates need to register their account with Coursera or, if they already have an account, log in to their account and then register.
Follow the link below to request or receive more information.

Apply Now Official Link